FastScript 是 FastReport VCL / FMX 超棒的產品之一,FastScript 功能非常豐富,七成需求都可以依賴它來完成,不一定要使用肥大的開發工具。
FastScript 限制
FastScript 也有其限制,例如它不支援以下兩種東西:
- Class 建立。無法使用 record, class 等 object 來建立自己的物件
- Set 集合。無法使用 [fsBold, ...]來設定集合
使用 AI,在 FastScript 上寫出一手好程式
還好現在有 AI 工具,把提示語給 AI 後,就可以快速寫出正確又有效率的工具出來,真是太棒了!
使用 FastReport FastScript 的 JScript 語法建立一個腳本:[
將 "Hello, World!" 顯示在 Memo1 元件中。(可以代換為你的需求)
Refer to the following FastScript JScript syntax rules:[
You cannot define a class inside the script, but you can use the external classes defined in add-in modules or your application.
There is a rich set of standard functions which can be used in a
script. To get an access to these functions, pass the fsGlobalUnit
reference to the TfsScript.Parent property.
About FastReport's FastScript:JScript syntax:
Program -> Statements
Statements -> Statement...
Block -> '{' Statements '}'
ImportStmt -> IMPORT (String/,)...
VarStmt -> VAR (VarDecl/',')...
VarDecl -> Ident [Array] [InitValue]Array -> '[' (ArrayDim/',')... ']'
ArrayDim -> Expression
InitValue -> '=' Expression
Expression -> SimpleExpression [RelOp SimpleExpression]...
SimpleExpression -> ['-'] Term [AddOp Term]...
Term -> Factor [MulOp Factor]...
Factor -> Designator
-> UnsignedNumber
-> String
-> '(' Expression ')'
-> '!' Factor
-> '[' SetConstructor ']'
-> NewOperator
-> '<' FRString '>'
SetConstructor -> SetNode/','...
SetNode -> Expression ['..' Expression]
NewOperator -> NEW Designator
RelOp -> '>'
-> '<'
-> '<='
-> '>='
-> '!='
-> '=='
-> IN
-> IS
AddOp -> '+'
-> '-'
-> '||'
-> '^'
MulOp -> '*'
-> '/'
-> '%'
-> '&&'
-> '<<'
-> '>>'
Designator -> ['&'] Ident ['.' Ident | '[' ExprList ']' | '(' [ExprList] ')']...
ExprList -> Expression/','...
Statement -> (AssignStmt | CallStmt | BreakStmt | ContinueStmt |
DeleteStmt | DoWhileStmt | ForStmt | FunctionStmt |
IfStmt | ImportStmt | ReturnStmt | SwitchStmt |
VarStmt | WhileStmt | WithStmt | Block) [';']
BreakStmt -> BREAK
ContinueStmt -> CONTINUE
DeleteStmt -> DELETE Designator
AssignStmt -> Designator ['+'|'-'|'*'|'/']'=' Expression
CallStmt -> Designator ['+''+'|'-''-']
ReturnStmt -> RETURN [Expression]
IfStmt -> IF '(' Expression ')' Statement [ELSE Statement]
SwitchStmt -> SWITCH '(' Expression ')' '{' (CaseSelector)... [DEFAULT ':' Statement] '}'
CaseSelector -> CASE SetConstructor ':' Statement
DoWhileStmt -> DO Statement [';'] WHILE '(' Expression ')' ';'
WhileStmt -> WHILE '(' Expression ')' Statement
ForStmt -> FOR '(' ForStmtItem ';' Expression ';' ForStmtItem ')' Statement
ForStmtItem -> AssignStmt-> CallStmt-> VarStmt-> Empty
TryStmt -> TRY CompoundStmt (FINALLY | EXCEPT) CompoundStmt
FunctionStmt -> FunctionHeading Block
FunctionHeading -> FUNCTION Ident FormalParameters
FormalParameters -> '(' [FormalParam/','...] ')'
FormalParam -> ['&'] Ident
WithStmt -> WITH '(' Designator ')' Statement
Specific usage of FastScript JScript: [
#language JScript // this is optional
import "unit1.js", "unit2.js"
Report.Memo1.Text = "HelloWorld"; // Sets the text of Memo1 through the Report object.
Memo1.Text = "HelloWorld";// Equivalent if Memo1 is in the main report scope (not within a sub-component like a Group or Band).
var mbSet = mbYes + mbNo; // FastScript does not support sets directly; use addition for combining flags.
if (MessageDlg("Welcome to my JScript application. Exit now?", mtConfirmation, mbSet, 0) == mrYes)
{ ShowMessage("OK");}
// import section - must be before any other sections
var i, j = 0; // var section
function p1() // procedures and function
// main procedure that will be executed.
// Dynamic array create. (var myarray = [] not support. Need use the FR TfrxArray Component)
var myarray = new TfrxArray();
myarray[0] = 1;
myarray[1] = 2;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) j = i + 1; myarray[i] = myarray[i] + j;
ShowMessage(IntToStr(myarray.Count)); // TfrxArray is not JScript array type.
// You can use the TStrings/TStringList. Same the Delphi TStrings/TStringList.
var myList = new TStringList();
The following FastScript built-in functions are available:
function IntToStr(i: Integer): Stringfunction FloatToStr(e: Extended): Stringfunction DateToStr(e: Extended): Stringfunction TimeToStr(e: Extended): Stringfunction DateTimeToStr(e: Extended): Stringfunction VarToStr(v: Variant): Stringfunction StrToInt(s: String): Integerfunction StrToFloat(s: String): Extendedfunction StrToDate(s: String): Extendedfunction StrToTime(s: String): Extendedfunction StrToDateTime(s: String): Extendedfunction Format(Fmt: String; Args: array): Stringfunction FormatFloat(Fmt: String; Value: Extended): Stringfunction FormatDateTime(Fmt: String; DateTime: TDateTime): Stringfunction FormatMaskText(EditMask: string; Value: string): stringfunction EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day: Word): TDateTimeprocedure DecodeDate(Date: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: Word)function EncodeTime(Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word): TDateTimeprocedure DecodeTime(Time: TDateTime; var Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word)function Date: TDateTimefunction Time: TDateTimefunction Now: TDateTimefunction DayOfWeek(aDate: DateTime): Integerfunction IsLeapYear(Year: Word): Booleanfunction DaysInMonth(nYear, nMonth: Integer): Integerfunction Length(s: String): Integerfunction Copy(s: String; from, count: Integer): Stringfunction Pos(substr, s: String): Integerprocedure Delete(var s: String; from, count: Integer): Stringprocedure Insert(s: String; var s2: String; pos: Integer): Stringfunction Uppercase(s: String): Stringfunction Lowercase(s: String): Stringfunction Trim(s: String): Stringfunction NameCase(s: String): Stringfunction CompareText(s, s1: String): Integerfunction Chr(i: Integer): Charfunction Ord(ch: Char): Integerprocedure SetLength(var S: String; L: Integer)function Round(e: Extended): Integerfunction Trunc(e: Extended): Integerfunction Int(e: Extended): Integerfunction Frac(X: Extended): Extendedfunction Sqrt(e: Extended): Extendedfunction Abs(e: Extended): Extendedfunction Sin(e: Extended): Extendedfunction Cos(e: Extended): Extendedfunction ArcTan(X: Extended): Extendedfunction Tan(X: Extended): Extendedfunction Exp(X: Extended): Extendedfunction Ln(X: Extended): Extendedfunction Pi: Extendedprocedure Inc(var i: Integer; incr: Integer = 1)procedure Dec(var i: Integer; decr: Integer = 1)procedure RaiseException(Param: String)procedure ShowMessage(Msg: Variant)procedure Randomizefunction Random: Extendedfunction ValidInt(cInt: String): Booleanfunction ValidFloat(cFlt: String): Booleanfunction ValidDate(cDate: String): Booleanfunction CreateOleObject(ClassName: String): Variantfunction VarArrayCreate(Bounds: Array; Typ: Integer): Variant
將以下 C# 程式碼片段轉換為使用 JScript 語法的 FastReport FastScript。 該腳本應在 FastReport 環境中實現等效的功能。 請密切注意所提供的 FastScript JScript 語法規則和可用的內建函數。
有了AI後,程式轉換上變得十分容易,從以前要求 Google 關鍵字力,現在要漸漸改為 AI 提示詞力。